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Forum » Film, Muzika i TV » Film » Koji Film Jedva Cekate Da Vidite ?
Koji Film Jedva Cekate Da Vidite ?


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post # 271 | 2014-06-22 , 9:46 PM

Bing Fung: Chung Sang Chi Mun 2014

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post # 272 | 2014-06-22 , 11:24 PM

The Anomaly 2014

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post # 273 | 2014-06-23 , 3:40 AM

Neki dobar! Odvajkada ga čekam...

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post # 274 | 2014-06-23 , 11:33 AM

Treci deo Hobita.

"Ee pa pomoli se Bogu .. da ti da mir.. i da ti pokaze pravi put.. kreni dalje u zivotu s glavom gore .. i bit ce sve oke ! nemoj imati crne misli ne krvi sebe za nista.. ja verujem u tebe !"

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post # 275 | 2014-06-25 , 0:12 AM

"22 Jump Street" juhu

Najbolje su žene koje nisu svesne svoje lepote. Kada ih posmatrate, a one to osete, porumene iako više nisu devojčice. Traže mrlju po haljini ili brišu maskaru ispod očiju jer misle da ih zbog toga gledate tako. Najlepše žene su najjednostavnije. ♥

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post # 276 | 2014-07-03 , 11:47 AM

sigurno jedan od najiščekivanijih ove godine

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post # 277 | 2014-08-07 , 10:14 PM
Into the storm,jedva čekam..

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees


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post # 278 | 2014-08-07 , 11:24 PM

James Bond 24
The Hobbit 3 deo

Through action, a Man becomes a Hero
Through death, a Hero becomes a Legend
Through time, a Legend becomes a Myth
And by learning from the Myth, a Man takes action ...

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1 15

post # 279 | 2014-08-09 , 6:50 PM

Guardian of the Galaxy, The Hobbit 3 i Transformers - Age of Extinction, ocete li brzo? :)


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post # 280 | 2014-08-10 , 6:46 AM

The Maze Runner- Action | Mystery | Sci-Fi - 18 September 2014 (Serbia)

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post # 281 | 2014-08-10 , 10:12 PM

Guardians of the Galaxy, Draft Day, Transformers: Age of Extinction........ i to sto pre ako je moguce :)


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28 90

post # 282 | 2014-08-16 , 0:25 AM

Ceka se BAD BOYS 3 da

Volim svim zenama uzdahe da otimam i volim po rukama da se tetoviram
volim svoj zivot i zivim za ljubav i volim da zivim od danas do sutra.

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36 299

post # 283 | 2014-08-16 , 12:51 PM

Pirates of the Carribean 6 :D

I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

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post # 284 | 2014-08-28 , 11:40 AM

:p stid

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post # 285 | 2014-09-08 , 8:28 PM

i like movies

Forum » Film, Muzika i TV » Film » Koji Film Jedva Cekate Da Vidite ?


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