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Forum moderator: JokerHarley  
Filmovi koje ste gledali vise puta.

poruka na forumu
25 644

post # 106 | 2016-11-07 , 0:43 AM

Cloud Atlas............... Inception......Elite Squad...

poruka na forumu
175 10257

post # 107 | 2016-11-16 , 9:27 PM

Zelena Milja,najbolji ikada.
Mogu i sto puta da ga gledam da

Poruku je menjao/la Nemanja1234 - Sreda, 2016-11-16, 9:28 PM

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees

bosnia and herzegovina
poruka na forumu
6 124

post # 108 | 2017-01-13 , 2:34 PM

pirates of the carribean,snatch, haunted house

poruka na forumu
458 1859

post # 109 | 2017-01-16 , 4:05 PM

Judge Dredd, The Dictator, The Grimsby Brothers, Kingsman

poruka na forumu
330 2814

post # 110 | 2017-01-17 , 11:56 PM

Sva 3 Iron Man-a, oba Avengers-a i Deadpool

Najbolje su žene koje nisu svesne svoje lepote. Kada ih posmatrate, a one to osete, porumene iako više nisu devojčice. Traže mrlju po haljini ili brišu maskaru ispod očiju jer misle da ih zbog toga gledate tako. Najlepše žene su najjednostavnije. ♥

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0 0

post # 111 | 2017-01-20 , 2:40 AM



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175 10257

post # 112 | 2017-03-18 , 1:00 PM

I svi sa Lesliem Nilsenom,bar po 3-4 puta :D

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees

poruka na forumu
211 997

post # 113 | 2017-07-05 , 8:27 AM

Ljubav odoleva vremenu koje sve otima. Nikada nije istinski voleo onaj
ko misli da je ljubav prolazna"

poruka na forumu
55 500

post # 114 | 2020-10-15 , 10:57 PM

Into the wild

Pored ponosa, lojalnosti, discipline, srca i uma, samopouzdanje je ključ koji otvara sve brave!

poruka na forumu
1 9

post # 115 | 2022-02-24 , 9:05 AM

Breakdown (1997), The Wraith (1986), The Thing, (1982), Pitch Black (2000), The Fast and the Furious, Jeepers Creepers 1,2 The Omen 1,2,3,4 Itd...

poruka na forumu
2013 17847

post # 116 | 2023-07-16 , 4:16 PM

Otprilike Harry Potter, Twilight, Divergent, Maze Runner, Fifthy Shades of Grey, Pitch Perfect, Bacj to the Future, Transformers, Ceo Marvel univerzum, Ceo DC univerzum i tako lol

"If you have a problem with me, call me. If you don't have my number, then that means you don't know me well enough to have a problem." ✌️

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